
Jun 6, 2020

Update on 12mm/1:144 Range from Victrix Ltd

A quick update on the Victrix Games 12mm/1:144 range.

We plan to release the first 5 vehicles in the very near future, we are just waiting for packaging to arrive from the printers and the delivery of our 10 sheets of decals.

Decal sheets will all be available separately but we will include 1 sheet with each set of models.

We are currently tooling the next set of release that includes the Sherman Firefly, German Infantry, Tiger I, M3 Halftrack, Hanomag, M10.

We are showing the German infantry frame with the rifle section figures. We are currently working out the command and heavy weapons frame layout.

British infantry are about halfway through sculpting as well as more vehicles. Our next focus will be US Infantry and then AT guns and crews and the relevant towing vehicles.

Two Fat Lardies are getting closer to publishing their 12mm WWII rule, "O Group".

We have a number of painting guides completed by Ruben Torregrosa, a fabulous painter. These guides will be available as free pdf downloads once the Victrix Games section of the Victrix website goes live.

Attached are various images that illustrate our intent to make this a great new range for gamers who want realistic 1 to 1 gaming without requiring a tennis court to play on.

Victrix Ltd

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