
Jun 6, 2020

Project Update #31: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #31: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

Sorry for the delay on an update the last few weeks have been a little crazy. Hope everyone has been doing well considering everything going on . As of now we at 2/3s of the printing for the 10mm done . have been able to get a bunch more of the revisions printed properly . at this point im still down a few printers as 2 screens came cracked and waiting on new ones. the hope is these can get all done and out for casting in the next few weeks , starting to run very low on resin but more is in the mail and should be here within next few days .Will be putting out a chaos dwarf battering ram also for free to backer in next week or two .will post some pictures of the final profs when there all done before sending off. which brings me to me to my next point .As some of you know i have been financing this out of my own pocket and am starting to run low on funds . My options have been to sell off assess i have to finish paying or relace models I had planned on casting ,for sale as STLs for personal .this seems like the best option for both me and the community. If i dont get enough will sell of my assests to make sure the kickstarter gets threw .Pictures and link below .

Models as follows
6 battle monsters 6-54mm
Chaos Gaint 10-54m+
Undead chinese terricata army based for 10mm and 28mm unbased
Anime Ninja 28mm-54mm
Wearbear 28mm
Halfling hog riders 28mm

put these items on sale for the first week then will put them back to normal . All items are auto emailed to buyer save the terricata army deal which needs to be sent via link to google drive due to size and site store restrictions .If for some resion you have an issue with our website and wish to get a paypal invoice sent instead please message us .thank you all of your support.


Dancing Yak Miniatures

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