
Jun 29, 2020

Project Update #28: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #26: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter Update 16

I am really starting to believe the end (of production) is near!

In the last couple of weeks I have finished the Demon Flyers, pictures below, and will pack those this week. Robi sculpted a variant Flyer, which cast up very easily, and I managed to get one copy of the "tricky" miniature per pack cast up. The Flyers come in packs of twelve, but I very much doubt you will be able to fit more than nine on their bases. In future, on the webstore, they will be sold in packs of nine.

Demon Flyers part 1

Demon Flyers part 2

I have also completed casting the chariot hounds and two of the three crew figures. Picture below. I only have three more moulds to make and cast. The Chariots, wheels and the final crew member with a whip. Hopefully, this can be completed in the next couple of weeks. Then it will be done. Just invoicing, packing and posting to do.

Chariots work in progress

Thanks to everyone for keeping the faith.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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