
Jun 15, 2020

Project Update #27: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #27: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter Update 15

Another interesting couple of weeks...

First up, best-laid plans of mice and men. Almost as soon as I suggested posting out some Demon Infantry to backers who ordered just those models, I got a twenty eight day Covid 19 isolation order from my hospital. I am going in for a test this Wednesday, and have to isolate for two weeks either side of the test. So no posting stuff out for me until July. I have also closed down my webstore over at www.blackgateminiatures.com until then.

On the plus side... I have cast up two of the Demon Flyers and am well on the way to complete the third. Picture below.

Demon Flyers

Demon Flyers

On the minus side, the fourth Flyer is proving very difficult to cast up. This can happen sometimes with single piece miniatures that have large horizontal spread, from stuff like wings. Robi is rushing through an emergency fifth miniature this week and hopefully, I can still get some copies of the fourth one cast up, maybe enough for one per pack. So it may work as a bonus all round, with five rather than four sculpts in the unit but time will tell. He will then work on the remaining sculpts for Demon Beasts, Greater Demon and Demon Cavalry but my work for those will start after this Kickstarter is completed.

I have also been working on the Chariot Hounds, and am about two thirds of the way through production. Picture below.

Chariots Hounds

Chariots Hounds

In the next couple of weeks I intend to continue with the casting of the Flyers and Chariots and will update you after that.

Until then, Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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