
May 2, 2020

Peninsular Napoleonics Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

Peninsular Napoleonics Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

A lot of you have been asking about this but the wait is almost over! Our Napoleonic Peninsular project will be going live on Saturday morning, over on the Pendraken Forum!

We're looking to add new figure ranges to cover the British, Brunswick-Oels, Portuguese and Spanish, with over 70 codes planned currently.

This will be run in the same manner as our 1809 expansion in 2018, so very similar to a Kickstarter campaign with pledged purchases, funding targets and stretch goals to try and hit. If we're able to hit our initial target then we've got some terrain, flags and more to add in, so we're looking at a very comprehensive set of ranges here.

After the success of our 1809 Confederation project in late 2018, we're back with another expansion project, this time for the Napoleonic Peninsular period!

These ranges have been requested for many years and we're going big on this one, with 70 new codes planned along with stretch goals including flags, terrain, civilians and more.  We've been working with Forum member John Cook to put together all of the reference material which has been sent over to our sculptor ready to get started.  If funding is successful then we'll be getting everything sculpted over the coming months ready for moulding and shipping out to everyone by December of this year.  So if you'd like a nice new project just in time for Christmas then jump in!

So how does it work?

- Below is a list of the prospective ranges we'll be putting together, with the code, a brief description of the contents, and the price.

- If you would be interested in any of these items, please check through the list, and work out what you would purchase.

- Make a post here, listing the items you would like to buy and stating what your pledge total would be.  You can copy and paste the range lists from below and then add your quantities to make things easier.

- We'll add you to the pledge list!

- If we have hit our target by midnight on May 31st, we will contact you to confirm your order and everyone who has pledged will be invoiced for 50% of your order total.  Our sculptor will be given the go-ahead and we'll get them done through Jun/Jul/Aug.  We'll then get them moulded and start sending out customer orders by the end of November 2020, just in time for Christmas!  Everyone will be invoiced for the remaining 50% + shipping once their order is ready to ship.

What's the target?

We're looking to raise purchases over £3600 in total to allow us to start production.  This target covers all of the sculpting costs, and then we'll take on all moulding and casting costs at this end.  The range would be sculpted by Tony Q, the same sculptor who has done all of our 1809 and 1812-15 Nap figures, so they'll match perfectly with our existing ranges.

So, what are we adding beyond the initial ranges?

At £4000 - Flags! - We'll add flags to each nation, with 1 sheet for each of the British and Portuguese, and 2 sheets for the Spanish.

At £4500 - Buildings! - We'll open up a new range of Mediterranean-style buildings for this period, including houses, church, villa, windmill and more!  These will be produced by Ironclad Miniatures and will be ready at the same time as the figure ranges.  We'll post some preview pictures of these as soon as we receive them.

At £5000 - ADC's and Free Flags! - We'll add some ADC's to cover all of our Naps ranges.  We've been asked about these a lot so we'll be looking for some input on what you want to see.  Also, everyone who has ordered at least 5 packs from any nation will receive the flags for that nation for free.

At £5500 - Peninsular Civilians! - We'll add a set of mediterranean-style civilians suitable for the Peninsular period.

At £6000 - Discounts! - If we hit our final planned goal, we'll add a 10% discount to all of the pledges, as a thank you for your amazing support.

So, let's get going and start hitting those targets!

The ranges:

NPB1   Centre Company, march attack   £5.50
NPB2   Centre Company, firing line   £5.50
NPB3   Flank Company, march attack (16)    £2.95
NPB4   Flank Company, firing line (16)    £2.95
NPB5   Line command   £5.50
NPB6   Mounted Officer in bicorne (5)    £1.85
NPB7   Light Infantry, advancing inc. command (16)    £2.95
NPB8   Light Infantry, firing inc. command (16)    £2.95
NPB9   Rifles   £5.50
NPB10   Highlanders, centre company, march attack   £5.50
NPB11   Highlanders foot command   £5.50
NPB12   Dragoons/Dragoon Guards in bicorne   £5.50
NPB13   Light dragoons in Tarleton helmet   £5.50
NPB14   Hussars   £5.50
NPB15   6pdr with line crew   £5.50
NPB16   6pdr with horse crew   £5.50
NPB17   9pdr with line crew   £5.50
NPB18   9pdr with horse crew   £5.50
NPB19   5.5” Howitzers with line crew   £5.50
NPB20   5.5” Howitzers with horse crew   £5.50
NPB21   Limber with line team / out-riders (2)    £5.50

NBK1   Jager in jacket, march attack, inc. command   £5.50
NBK2   Jager in jacket, firing line, inc. command   £5.50
NBK3   Scharfschutzen, inc. command   £5.50
NBK4   Hussars   £5.50
NPP1   Line infantry in barretina   £5.50
NPP2   Line command in barretina (15)    £2.75
NPP3   Line infantry in stovepipe shako   £5.50
NPP4   Line command in stovepipe shako (15)    £2.75
NPP5   Mounted officer in barretina (5)    £1.85
NPP6   Cacadores in barretina, inc. command   £5.50
NPP7   Cacadores in stovepipe shako, inc. command   £5.50
NPP8   Line Cavalry in crested helmet   £5.50
NPP9   6pdr with barretina crew   £5.50
NPP10   6pdr with stovepipe crew   £5.50
NPP11   9pdr with barretina crew   £5.50
NPP12   9pdr with stovepipe crew   £5.50
NPP13   5.5” Howitzers with barretina crew   £5.50
NPP14   5.5” Howitzers with stovepipe crew   £5.50
NPP15   Limber with mule team (2)    £5.50

NSP1   Bourbon fusiliers   £5.50
NSP2   Bourbon fusilier command   £5.50
NSP3   Bourbon grenadiers, inc. command (16)    £2.95
NSP4   Mounted officer (5)    £1.85
NSP5   Cazadores (1802 uniform) inc command   £5.50
NSP6   Cazadores (1805 uniform) inc. command   £5.50
NSP7   Regional fusiliers   £5.50
NSP8   Regional fusilier command   £5.50
NSP9   Regional grenadiers, inc. command (16)    £2.95
NSP10   Provincial infantry/militia   £5.50
NSP11   Provincial infantry in chistera hat   £5.50
NSP12   Provincial infantry command in chistera (15)    £2.75
NSP13   National infantry   £5.50
NSP14   National infantry command (15)    £2.75
NSP15   Guerillas, inc. command   £5.50
NSP16   Line Cavalry with carbine   £5.50
NSP17   Dragoons   £5.50
NSP18   Hussars   £5.50
NSP19   Cazadores a Caballo   £5.50
NSP20   Garrochista lancers   £5.50
NSP21   4pdr with line crew   £5.50
NSP22   4pdr with horse crew   £5.50
NSP23   8pdr with line crew   £5.50
NSP24   8pdr with horse crew   £5.50
NSP25   12pdr with line crew   £5.50
NSP26   12pdr with horse crew   £5.50
NSP27   7” Howitzer with line crew   £5.50
NSP28   7” Howitzer with horse crew   £5.50
NSP29   Limber with mule team (2)    £5.50
NSP30   Limber with horse team / out-riders    £5.50

All packs contain 15 cavalry or 30 foot, priced at £5.50 per pack, unless otherwise stated.

NOTE:  There are a few items in these new ranges that will be pulled directly from our existing 1815 range.  Things like the British lights, rifles and highlanders don't need to be sculpted again and we can use the existing figures to fulfill your orders.  This allows us to reduce the number of sculpts required and the targets we need to hit.

As always if there are any questions, just let us know and we'll get them answered.  And please spread this far and wide to anyone that might be interested in these ranges.  The more interest and pledges that we can get, the more chance that these figures will reach production!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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