
May 14, 2020

Lockdown, Non Lockdown from Arrowhead Miniatures

Accursed Bofors Gun from Arrowhead Miniatures

This lockdown/ non lockdown seems to be affecting us in strange ways in that there is lot of work going on on new models but we can't get them finished due to to hold ups with other firms working/ not working, backed up and whatever. Currently have the Centurion well advanced but waiting for trackwork come back , Sherman hulls finished, trackwork still pending, trackwork for German Puma IFV finished but no hull as yet. We'll get there in the end.

We've had to withdraw the Panzer IV D from the range as the mould is having to be remade. The good news is that the Valentine III should be with us soon.

Stay safe, stay well

Jeff & Becky

Arrowhead Miniatures

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