
May 6, 2020

Fix Bayonets from Van Dyck Models

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The group "Fix Bayonets" has been created for a while now and especially with the unusual circumstances in the world that are facing us, I think it's more then time for an update.

As you all know "Fix Bayonets" is also a rules set that will accompany our first WWI game box. After much effort next week we will launch the first short version of the rules on our group "Fix Bayonets".

The release of our game box was scheduled early 2020, due to various circumstances the release has suffered some delay.
The box contains nearly 90 different sculpted miniatures, most of the masters are ready, some still need a finishing touch. In order to make the production moulds we need high quality castings of the masters, called sub-masters. Most of the sub-masters have been casted and cleaned to perfection and quite some production moulds have went to the vulcanising press. No complaints but since we're all at home I have to do all of this by myself and I still have a few to go. I'm also waiting on a few items for the box that need to arrive.

Gradually I will post some pictures of the new miniatures that will be in the box. Cavalry sculpts will always have five different troopers and another five different command figures this week we'll be looking at German uhlan cavalry troopers, please have a look at the pictures below.

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 1

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 2

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 3

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 4

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 5

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 6

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 7

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 8

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 9

Uhlan Cavalry Troopers picture 10

Best Regards and a good health to all of you!!!

Kris Van Dyck

Van Dyck Models

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