
May 14, 2020

Battle Havoc! in 10mm from Seb Games

Battle Havoc! in 10mm!

The idea of doing a line 10mm miniature for Battle Havoc! was there for a long time. Almost from the beginning. And we already started working on it in the background, but recently Seb Games acquired a never released range of this 10mm goodies so, looks like Battle Havoc! in 10mm will be here quicker than we expected.

I’m relay excited about this, as this will be a massive thing for Battle Havoc! There are more miniatures, in the line, so follow us on Facebook and here as more picture will be posted as soon as we get the first batch of master castings!


Rattifolk picture 1

Rattifolk picture 2


Lizardfolk picture 1

Lizardfolk picture 2


And now the hard bit. The good news is that we are already working on moulds for the first sets of 10mm miniatures. The bad is that, unfortunately, due to the CVOID-19 situation, it can be challenging to give you a solid date. However, we aim to deliver first packs this summer, maybe a bit earlier if things will go very well.



Seb Games

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