
Apr 16, 2020

Update from Traders Galaxy

Update from Traders Galaxy

Hey All, I thought I would do a quick ramble/update on how things are cruising along.

Obviously the biggest news is that the Kickstarter goes live this Monday the 20th of April. I thank everyone who has helped get the word out and ask that you continue to please do so. We want to hit 500 pledges to max out on value for everyone.

The future of Bot War will depend on the Kickstarter maxing out. If it maxes out then some amazing things will happen.

Phew things are going fast. While at the same time I have been slowed with a hurt back lol.
The next large batch of resin starters have arrived today and they have been disinfected and are now drying. This batch includes all the models for the current starter set as well as the Atlantican set for Octo, Hydro and Nekton. Once again these are amazingly sharp casts. Ill start packing all orders tomorrow.

I did a few rounds of casting today, trying to build up a buffer of metal stock. I certainly will slowly be fading most of the older metal models over time. Some sets are already out of stock on the website and are unlikely to be replaced until the upgraded versions of those characters in resin.

Soon I will be updating stock levels in the website in order to not have a possibility of getting overwhelmed during the Kickstarter.

I am also experimenting with some additional terrain in the webstore with Bot War tree sets. Next fortnight the Bot War counters and damage dice will be released with a limited number of ruby crystals objective kits.

I hope to release a lot of models this year in resin before the Kickstarter delivers. As well as the card city/airport terrain set.

As some of you will know, I hope to have 4 factions for Bot War fully available in Resin by the end of the year.

Traders Galaxy

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