
Apr 21, 2020

Project Update #6: BOT WAR Miniature Game, Kickstarter from Traders Galaxy

Bot War is an 8mm human scale skirmish game with models ranging in size from 8mm up to 120mm

Pledge Now and get to free miniatures earlier!

Things are going very well so far on the Kickstarter.  Over 50% funded in 2 days!  However I am impatient,  and I want us to get to unlocking the amazing freebies for all as soon as possible šŸ™‚.  My goal is to unlock all stretch goal minis and hit the 500 cap!!!!!!!

So I want to make an appeal especially to all those following the project with the intent to back it at some point.  There are about 290-330 followers of the project here in Kickstarter that have not yet pledged.

My appeal is that you pledge now, so the project moves into unlocking those stretch goal models! :) You dont pay until the end of the campaign so as long as you can pay then its good.

The idea is that the stretch goals are adding loads of value to the campaign for everyone.  The way the Kickstarter is structured means that holding off your pledge will cause a general slow grind of a project through the middle.  Yet hitting your pledge now will mean that once over 200 pledges every 14 pledges will give a new push to the campaign.  PLUS EVERYONE GETS A FREE MODEL ADDED! :D

The first 200 pledges was always going to be a small hurdle hence why there is a free exclusive during this stage. 

So please pledge now to ensure we all have the momentum to get to the sweet ride down collecting those sweet free minis along the way!!!!!! :D

Lets smash this out of the park so i can push the big green button and get Bot War and all those awesome minis out as fast as possible!! šŸ˜€



Dinoborg Steg!

Dinoborg Steg

Traders Galaxy

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