
Apr 20, 2020

Project Update #5: BOT WAR Miniature Game, Kickstarter from Traders Galaxy

Bot War is an 8mm human scale skirmish game with models ranging in size from 8mm up to 120mm

Interactive Terrain rules - a new feature coming to Bot War

One of the key updates to the rulebook are the interactive terrain rules.  After all why shouldn't a giant Bot be able to pick up a streetlamp and smash another Bot with it?  Likewise an innocent street sign makes a great improvised axe to a giant Bot :).

And why shouldn't infantry be able to hide in building while Bots desperately try to smash buildings from the outside.

The interactive terrain rules take an already fun game to the the next level. Plus they offer some additional tactical options to think about each turn.  Especially when even weaker Bots can become deadly throwing a parked car or super charged by an electricity pylon!

In Bot War even a streetlamp can be a dangerous weapon!

In Bot War even a streetlamp can be a dangerous weapon

Rielse finds that a conveniently placed streetlamp is a great way to teach Rambot who is boss!

Rielse finds that a conveniently placed streetlamp is a great way to teach Rambot who is boss

Traders Galaxy

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