
Apr 27, 2020

Project Update #30: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #30: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

Hi all, here is update (link to free model at bottom of post)

Hope all have been well and safe considering all that has happened inlast few weeks with the virus.so here is the update.

first here is a link to the hobgoblin boomakazi were giving out free to all.We have already given out several free .we based it on the idea of the uruki bomber from lotr .thought every self respecting chaos dwarf and hobgoblin army needed a few. 

models and will have several more given as a partial apology for the extended delays. There will be a few more in future.Now on to next matter of business. I have been getting back into swing of things. have started printing earlier then planned but have come into a few issues. (still ahead of schedule on last post) first screens i bought are wrong model company messed up and sent wrong ones. new ones should be here within next few days. as of now have 1 1/5 working printers and getting the 3 running is top priority atm. new screens should take a few hours to install once in . further do to the virus i can no longer afford isoproal 99%.Im down to one little bottle and wh to keep as disinfectant is nearly impossible to get let alone prices. due to this Ive bought afew large sonic cleaner to do it instead along with a replacement for the iso . They should be here this week. on a good note most of the needed revisions to 10mm for proper casting are done and should be printed and off to casting. about 1/3 of 10mm already have models and number of models pre done.

 I have been going threw emails and messages 1 by 1 .I am still behind on this and please be patient will respond properly as sone as possible. Things are moving along again now even with slight issues.  on one final note due to the virus me and my family have madecall to stay on fwith my grandparents till this clears up. didn't feel 

 right leaving now and inst safe having someone come in every day. so please be aware 

i have started early then i planed and am moving at good pace again but may slow down. the hope is to still start getting models out 

 in next month to two max. again thank you all for you pactance and enjoy the free.If any one has any questions comments or concerns please feel free to message or comment and i will reply asap. all the best

Ari I

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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