
Apr 25, 2020

Project Update #24: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #24: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Wow what a few weeks it has been but I don't need to tell you all that. What a time we are living in...

Now that I have become accustomed to the new "normal", of having three kids and a wife at home, I have started to find time in the days to work on Black Gate MIniatures stuff.

All the second batch of sculpts have been successfully mastered, and now can be moved on to the production phase. Pictures below.

Character Pack

Character Pack



Demon Flyers

Demon Flyers

I have completed the production moulds for and cast up the first half of the eight character sculpts. Picture below

First half of the Demon Characters

First half of the Demon Characters

Next week I plan to finish the rest of the Demon Characters and then begin work on the remaining two units, Chariots and Flyers.

I will provide another update when I get chance.

Stay safe and well everyone.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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