
Apr 1, 2020

Kickstarter Video from Traders Galaxy

Kickstarter Video from Traders Galaxy

Well the Kickstarter video is uploaded and the project has been submitted for Kickstarter approval. Please support my project and help take Bot War to the next level! Lets get more amazing resin Bot War sculpts happening!!!

There is only one pledge of $250aud (approx $150usd).

For this you get a new box set with 14 new miniatures. The first 200 pledges get another Kickstarter exclusive model - Cadmia.

At 200 pledges the project is funded. HOWEVER, once past 200 pledges the value really starts to kick in!!

Every 14 pledges after 200 an additional mini is added to ALL PLEDGES!

The whole project is capped at 500 pledges so that's a possible 33 miniatures available for the single pledge level. Thats 4 factions and the best part of a 5th faction on a single pledge of $250aud (approx $150usd).

Every thing is sculpted. Updates are 85% written. Just waiting to hit the big green go button!

20th of April is the date the Bot War Kickstarter goes live!!!!!!!

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