
Mar 24, 2020

Still Shipping from Traders Galaxy

Still Shipping from Traders Galaxy

Well I guess the great thing is that I am still shipping Bot War and Traders Galaxy products as the “factory” is in a covid 19 Free home/zone.

I have also opened up older stock lines such as drones.

I am desperately searching for a 3d printing service to start releasing new products that have been waiting for release.

Also all the work is done on the back end for the kickstarter so if it funds, backers should hope to get their products this year. All things going well of course.

In fact my supply lines and products have hardly been affected at all by covid 19 to be honest. Beastlords had a week delay. The only thing that really affects Bot War is sales. The more sales the more awesome stuff happens. Less sales equals leas stuff happening.

Currently I am waiting to produce the amazing card city and airport set. Expected retail price of $25usd.

Traders Galaxy

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