
Mar 11, 2020

Project Update #23: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #23: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter Update 12

First off. The Demon Infantry have finally, finally, been cast up. That's about 500 units. In hindsight, maybe 14 sculpts was too many for practical purposes but nobody every complains about getting too many different sculpts in a unit. Now I just have to pick and pack them, that's not a job I am looking forward to......

In other news, I have done the most stressful part of the process for half of the latest set of sculpts. Putting the "green" sculpts into a vulcanising press and subjecting them to a whole lot of pressure and heat, then praying that what comes out is usable, has to be the craziest part of the job. Pictures of the first production masters are below (they still need to be cleaned up before being used in the production moulds).

Three members of the character pack

Three members of the character pack

Chariot crew

Chariot crew

I sent Robi a Demon Infantry figure to keep things in scale and he put some spikes on him and sent him back, and so he will be added to the character crew pack.

Hounds and chariot

Hounds and chariot

Chariot underbelly, work still needed on axle

Chariot underbelly, work still needed on axle

As an insight into the process, the chariot axle is not casting properly. I will try and get the mould running better, but the shape is prevent me venting the axle. If that proves impossible, I will remould the chariot. Luckily, my skill at not destroying the "green" sculpts has improved a lot and the chariot is intact after the first run. My plan is to turn it over in the next mould and hopefully get better access to vent the axle however the process is half skill, half witchcraft.

The rest of this week and next week will be spent creating production moulds for the stuff I have shown above and also getting started on the packing of the Demon Infantry.

Will try and update again soon.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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