
Mar 17, 2020

Project Update #14: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #14: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Hi All,

I hope that you are well, and if you are self isolating I hope you have something fun on your painting table. This is just a quick update to say that with the exception of: a couple of people from whom I am waiting a little more information; and one pack of three samurai; I have finished shipping the Kickstarter. Given the state of the world at the moment please give the parcels a couple of weeks to get to you.

Thanks again for backing the Kickstarter, Its great to see my models going out into the world, and even better to see them getting painted and played with.

I am planning to launch a web store in May, probably about the same time as I release the forest elves.

Thanks again for your support, its humbling!


Cromarty Forge

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