
Mar 23, 2020

Corona Virus from Timecast

Corona Virus...

Due to the increasing risk from the Corona virus here in the UK, and with one of our staff in a High Risk age group, we have decided to implement measures to minimise our exposure to the virus with effect from Monday 16th March 2020.

For the next few weeks we will be making every effort to work from home, rather than at the workshop, and the workshop address will be closed to Personal Callers until further notice. We plan to be available to respond to emails and phone calls Tuesday - Friday (10.00 am - 4.00 pm). For urgent enquiries however we can be contacted through our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Timecastmodels/

We plan to maintain production and our mail order service as far as possible, but there will be a reduced number of trips to the post office. However there may well be delays within the postal system in the coming weeks, both here in the UK and elsewhere so please be patient and allow extra time for delivery.

As yet however we do not know if our stocks of Old Glory 15s from the USA will be affected. Please email us if you have any queries regarding the OG15s range.


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