
Mar 4, 2020

Beastlords & Starter Set Models from Traders Galaxy

In light of the fantastic news that the Beastlords and Starter Set models are arriving around the 5th of April. I am celebrating with a sale!!

Beastlords and Starter Set Models

I will be adding the Starter Set with RESIN MODELS to the webstore tonight!!

You may order the Resin Starter Set with confidence of an April delivery.

I will also be adding the Octo, Hydro and Nekton set in resin as a preorder as well for April delivery.

Finally, with Beastlords on the way, this is the last chance to get them at a sale price!!!!

Above all this, I am giving away 2 free exclusives this month with every purchase of $150usd or more!

Traders Galaxy

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