
Feb 5, 2020

W.I.P Wednesday Shaltari Basing from TTCombat

W.I.P Wednesday Shaltari Basing from TTCombat

W.I.P Wednesday Shaltari Basing

Take a look in here for how Fin has been basing up some Shaltari braves…

Fin has been creating some pavement bases for these Shaltari, I went to talk to him to get a rundown on how he went about it!

Fin started by priming them black and then covering flat areas with diorama effect thick mud. Watering the mud down gives a perfect tarmac texture.

At this point you can paint your models to completion before moving on to giving the mud a black undercoat.

After the undercoat has dried, he dry brushed the mud brown, then a grey followed by a lighter grey to bring it up to an urban concrete colour.

After the basing texture is done, you can continue to stick any foliage and rocks to add extra detail and depth to the bases. To really polish them up fin has painted the rocks and given them a quick wash. It’s not necessary and entirely up to personal taste!

The final stage of any basing project is to paint the rim of the base black.

You can check out our Dropzone models here and the Shaltari used here.


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