
Feb 12, 2020

Quick Update from Traders Galaxy

- All Democracy card artwork is completed
- All but 3 Atlantican card artwork is completed
- All Beastlords card artwork is completed
- All Overlords card artwork is completed
- All Infesters card artwork is completed
- All but 6 Deceiver card artwork is completed
- All but 10 Valiant card artwork is completed
- All but 4 Red Star card artwork is completed

This will leave Snake Corp and Trashers to go.

I expect to have 8 of the 10 factions available in card form mid this year.

Bot War is definitely growing.

Also, I am still looking for more Retailers in Europe, Uk, US and also looking for first stockists for Australia, Canada and Asia.

Over the last few weeks I have written and rewritten a huge amount of background. Over 30 pages in fact. This will be available soon however in the meantime check out the website game and info section.

The big announcement is that there are plans for a Kickstarter some time in late April/ May. As this will be my first one, it will be quite simplistic. Even though its my first Kickstarter, those who know me will know that I always deliver. Preliminary work for this has already begun, so I certainly hope that you all support the project when the details are announced.

Cheers, Ant

P.s Sneak peak of Shortstride


Traders Galaxy

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