
Feb 7, 2020

Project Update #8: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #8: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

6th Stretch Goal Unlocked, and a request for rough indications of what you want

With huge thanks to you all, I am very happy to say that the 6th Stretch goal has been unlocked, adding a mounted banner bearer and mounted hero to the Gods of the Dead pack. I am also happy to say that I have received casts of all of the unlocked models. Not the greatest photo, but in the picture below you can see what the Gods of the dead pack will now contain. Thanks to Mathew Harker for painting (the painted ones).

I have put in an initial order for casting with Scotia Grendel. However, as we approach the half way point in the campaign can I ask for a little bit of help from you all? If you would not mind letting me know roughly what you will be ordering, I can get a march on the casting, picking and packing which would help me with getting metal out to you as fast as I can. There is no obligation, and you can completely change your mind when it comes to responding to the survey at the end of the campaign. If you put your responses in the comments it may help others decide what they want, else if you want your list to be secret, ping me a message.

Cheers, and have a great weekend


The contents of the Gods of the Dead pack with all items unlocked.

The contents of the Gods of the Dead pack with all items unlocked

Lead free pewter miniatures supplied unpainted.

Cromarty Forge

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