
Feb 8, 2020

Project Update #22: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #22: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter Update 11

It's been a busy few weeks.

Finally, I am in a position to give a few units of the Demon Infantry to backer, and Warmaster Podcast co-host, Paul Winter. It's taken a bit longer than I expected to get to this stage for one reason or another, including it taking longer than expected to cast these little blighters up. You should start seeing some pictures of painted units for these and also the Hounds and Swarm in the next few weeks.

Demon Infantry for Paul

Demon Infantry for Paul

Next up in importance.... I have the rest of the sculpts from Robi :) Flyers, Characters and .... Chariots!

Here for your enjoyment are the Flyers. Next update I will share the Characters and then after that the Chariots.

Demon Flyers

Demon Flyers

Finally a couple of pictures to update the casting progress. I have all 14 Infantry model moulds working and have completed casting up 8 sculpts. I have also cast up another batch of Hounds and hopefully this will complete their casting. The Swarm have already been cast up.

More Infantry

More Infantry

More Hounds

More Hounds

So, that's the update. Things are moving forwards. For those of you going to Brno for the Warmaster Euro GT next weekend, see you there and the first drink is on me.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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