
Feb 7, 2020

Future Stuff from Traders Galaxy

Future Stuff from Traders Galaxy

Working through some future stuff again

As always.

Typically, I am working about 3 -4 months ahead now of everyone else. I have been doing a load of writing, much of which you haven't yet seen. Pretty much this is all background from the Democracy/Red Star stalemate through the first Atlantican War and into the Bot War. Every faction background has been rewritten and stabilised.

I am working to bring something cool to life

But i still have a fair bit to go! Probably 15-20 more pages worth. At present it certainly feels a bit overwhelming spinning so many plates. The three main ones(plates) are occupying most of my time.
The future
The near future
The immediate future

its definitely all about the future

The present has slipped a little off the priority this week. As things have cooled down a bit weather wise Ill be in the workshop this weekend. I may even try a live cast over the weekend as i still need to finish my Destroyer.

Just one average guy live casting his dream

Also, because of an expected week delay on Beastlords I will extend the Beastlords pre-order discount from tomorrow until end of February. You don't want to miss out on these awesome models for an awesome price.

So appreciative of all the support so far!

From my end all factions are completed with sculpts now. Plus, not only that, three factions have massive updates completed sculpted and ready.

Not stopping for a minute

Its pretty staggering actually that we have sculpted and concepted more models in the last 2 months than the previous 6!!!
We have it down to such a fine art that i think we could produce 200 different models in a year if we really wanted to.

We have made fantastic effort

However I know its not about Quantity. This year my number one priority was to increase the quality of the Bot War models. I think those who have purchased the big models would agree that the quality of those models was a step up.

That's going to continue.

It is my long term goal that only Infantry will stay as metal models. However, I wouldn't be able to not only get this far, but to not do any of this without your continued support.

So thank you!!

As some of you may know building a sustainable miniatures and game company from scratch in less than two years is insanely difficult. Without help from those who
Know who they are, I would have likely given up.

It means a lot.

As i have sometimes said, my goal is to continue to build Traders Galaxy and Bot War. Bot War is a fantastic game. Especially for those fatigued with hordes of models and rules heavy reading.


P.s working on some cards below


Traders Galaxy

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