
Jan 22, 2020

Update from Traders Galaxy

I seem to do less and less updates these days despite having a lot more stuff going on. Seems a bit topsy turvy. Veterans of this group will verify that i like to maintain pretty transparent social media policy.

But I want to surprise you all in a good way in a few months.

So what is happening in the Bot War world that I can talk about?


So work is in overdrive with a couple of new artists on board to help give more dimensions to the cool background that's being written and compiled for the characters and the universe. I am still working on a top secret project with the primary artist.

I think many would agree that the background has really grown in less than a year. The recent history has been established overall and some elements detailed. All the factions have solid foundations for their participation in Bot War. I am really pleased how these are coming along and I have been working on really locking down and linking the characters and the backgrounds.

More and more people are discovering Bot War. The group has added about 100 new members in just a single month! This is an awesome achievement for a little garage game. I am glad you are enjoying being a part of this group.

The Bot War game and a range of sets are being stocked in retail stores. Today, another retail storer called Alphaspel in Sweden has committed to stocking the range and ill be prepping their order for shipment this week. I am committed to supporting bricks and mortar retail and offer good terms for Bot War products.

My valued retail stockists are the face of my company to many awesome gamers I cannot reach. Discover Games and Nobleknight Games in the Usa, and Firestorm Games in the UK all currently stock Bot War - all awesome people doing what they love.

I am currently in discussions with a few others as well so watch this space I guess. I have some small work going on to design some retail store marketing material such as Posters and table talkers too.

I am currently once again reviewing the whole exclusive miniature each month offer. To be honest I have always seen these as a nice little thank you to my loyal customers who support me each month. I would like to continue this in some capacity. Plus I love making up the new characters!

There are changes happening to my back of house processes which are in motion. The effects of these changes wont be seen for a little while however I am hoping they will continue to move Bot War forward even faster when they happen. In the short term it will mean no new releases that I can ship in February.

The next big release will be a major addition to the Democracy Special Branch. As the first of 3 Bot Free factions Democracy is still the only force with no large stompy models. While Special Branch aren't “stompy”, I hope you all agree that the personalities in Special Branch are larger than life. Plus it helps that the vehicles are super cool. Unique, but brimming with nostalgia.

I also hope to complete wave 2 for Overlords which will see a limited number of Squidlorrs and Gator Warriors produced.

I hope to produce the new Democracy and Overlords in full resin!

I am expecting Beastlords delivery late March/early April. These represent the 9th faction for Bot War but also they represent my first major outsourcing of manufacture. The Beastlords will also be in full resin and they are huge models. Standing 58-61mm tall they are massive and should be awesome to paint up.

Well that's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed this update.

Remember I enjoy your Bot War battle reports and miniature posts too, so please post those to this group. It would be awesome to see them.



Traders Galaxy

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