
Jan 3, 2020

Quick Update from Traders Galaxy

Quick Update from Traders Galaxy

Quick Update:

The Bot War studio is running at full capacity for 2020. Big things are happening.

The Beastlords in full resin are available on preorder for a discounted price this month only! So get your orders in for January.

Artwork for cards is hammering along at a very rapid pace with Electrotyrant, Silenia and Syphene updated tomorrow.

Deceiver and Valiant cards were updated yesterday.

I am so excited by the new stuff coming for 2020. 80% of which no one has yet seen.

Don't forget that the buddy bundle is available for January. Its a great way to get into the game.

Finally, in January the exclusive model is forktongue for Snake Corp. however for every $50 over the $150 threshold you can choose one additional exclusive model that will be packed free with your order.

Traders Galaxy

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