
Jan 31, 2020

Project Update #6: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #6: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

5th Stretch goal unlocked

Thanks to recent (large) pledges the Werewolves  are now unlocked. This pair of lead free pewter werewolf models (and a second pair mirrored from the original sculpts) will be added to the Gods of the dead pack. They look particularly nice flanking Angrboda as protective children, or could be added to a dire wolf pack to denote the command stand.

Angrboda's children

Angrboda's children

I have also added two new pledge levels, (clearly I was not thinking big enough when I started this kickstarter :-). On the highest pledge level I will include 2 cottages (see image below). I hope to be able to include these (and some other buildings) in the main campaign, but I am waiting to see how the casts come out. However if you pledge at the "Insanity?" level, I'll either send you casts (if they are good) or 3D prints (if not).

Cottage Farm (Huscarls for scale)

Cottage Farm (Huscarls for scale)

Thanks for your support


Cromarty Forge

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