
Jan 30, 2020

Project Update #5: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #5: 10mm Vampire Vikings, Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Stretch Goal 4 Unlocked

Thanks to all backers I am now able to unlock the Battle cats, these will be added to the Gods of the Dead Pack. Below is a round up of the elements that have been added to the Gods of the dead so far:

Gods of the Dead, Original Content

Gods of the Dead, Original Content

Dark Guards: Unlocked

Dark Guards: Unlocked

Dark Bards: Unlocked

Dark Bards: Unlocked

Dark Banners: Unlocked

Dark Banners: Unlocked

Battle Cats: Unlocked

Battle Cats: Unlocked

Thanks again for your support.


Cromarty Forge

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