
Jan 24, 2020

Friday Reveal from Plastic Soldier Company

The Friday reveal this week shows off the final cover for the NORTHAG rulebook, the box set artwork, the T62 and the initial Russian infantry tests... who are blooming hard to photo when 10mm!

Battlegroup NORTHAG

Battlegroup NORTHAG

Russian Infantry

Russian Infantry picture 1

Russian Infantry picture 2



T-80 Company

T-80 Company



As far as an update on production... it's all going well. Busy, but well. In regards the models, we are well on the way with testing and production moulds. In regards the book, it's all written and just requires photos and artwork to be laid out. This should happen during February and then it will be off to the printers.

This means we are still on target to make sure the pre-order customers get their toys well before the retail release at Salute 2020 in April.

Battlegroup Northag
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd

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