
Jan 28, 2020

47 MicroMark Army Lists for BKC-IV from Pendraken Miniatures

47 MicroMark Army Lists for BKC-IV from Pendraken Miniatures

There are now 47 MicroMark Army Lists for BKC-IV, all available on Wargame Vault.

There's more to come soon, including:
BKCB38: British 53rd Welsh Infantry Division, Germany, Apr '45
BKCG40: German 21st Panzer Division, Normandy, Jun '44
BKCG41: German 12th SS Hitler Jugend Panzer Division, Normandy, Jun '44
BKCB42: British 3rd Infantry Assault Division, Normandy, Jun '44
BKCC43: Canadian 3rd Infantry Assault Division, Normandy, Jun '44
BKCB44: British 27th Armoured Brigade, Normandy, Jun '44
BKCA48: American 5th Corps and 1st Army Support, Ardennes, Dec '44
BKCB49: British 7th Armoured Division, Normandy, Jun '44

Pendraken Miniatures

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