
Dec 4, 2019

Project Update #20: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #20: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter Update 9

It's been a bit of a slow few weeks. Family medical issues coupled with my suffering from tendonitis has led to things taking longer than hoped. I had some acupuncture today and, with a bit of luck, the tendonitis will start to ease off.

I have 8 of the 14 Infantry model moulds working, although one will have to be done again, as the fail rate is far too high. The picture below shows the amount of little Demon dudes cast up so far.

Current state of Demon Infantry production

Current state of Demon Infantry production

The casting of the blue tubs at the back is finished, the ones at the front are about 60% done, apart from the one on the right, which is only about 15% done and needs a new mould making.

I have also bagged up, ready to ship, 150 units of Swarm and 50 units of Hounds.

Obviously things are behind schedule, and for that I am sorry and feel bad. However, do not worry, I will get this Kickstarter finished as soon as I can and then shipped out to you.

Robi is working on the Flyers, Chariot and Characters this month and so I should have some pictures of those sculpts to share with you soon.

As always, thank you for backing the project, it will be worth it in the end.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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