
Dec 20, 2019

Dec Quick Update from Traders Galaxy

Dec Quick Update from Traders Galaxy

Quick update.

As of this afternoon I will be on holidays from regular work so will be hitting the forge for the next few days to hopefully clear most orders.

Please note, those who ordered “Builders” set that there has been a slight delay on your order because of a single frustrating part (damn you - Digger right leg!). Rest assured your order will definitely be with you in January. My sincere apologies for this.

Everything else is on target to be shipped by mid next week.

Hopefully Ill have pics up of the cast Destroyer next week.

I have already outlined the January exclusive and promotions in another post.

I have a lot more stuff being released next year than I first thought so expect to see pre-orders up soon for the Buddy Bundle and the Beastlords. In regards to the Beastlords I will be offering some kind of discount for early pre-orders with this batch to encourage you to pick them up sooner rather than later as they are large models that will cost me a lot upfront to produce.

Obviously like the Starter Set the Buddy Bundle will have a saving built in as well.

Traders Galaxy

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