
Nov 9, 2019

Project Update #19: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #19: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter update 8

After a hectic few weeks, featuring a half term holiday and an operation under general anaesthetic for my eldest son due to a football injury, this week things got back to normal.

Production of the Demon Infantry is coming along but is a little slower than I anticipated. Focus has been on casting up of the first four sculpts and I can confirm I have produced about 600 of each, which is enough of these four miniatures for about 300 units. This represents about 20% of the total amount of Demon Infantry that need casting up and so we still have quite a way to go!

First couple of thousand Demon Infantry!

First couple of thousand Demon Infantry

Next week will hopefully be finishing casting up these four chaps, and making up the production moulds for the remaining eight Demon Infantry miniatures.

I feel it's prudent to mention at this point that the December 2019 delivery date is going to slip. The production is taking more time than anticipated and I am still waiting for some of the sculpts to arrive. Not sure how more extra time will be needed but hopefully I can give you a better idea by the end of November.

I will post up another update at the end of next week.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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