
Nov 12, 2019

Morris, AEC & Leyland from Pithead Miniatures

Here are three models for the early war period , one of these is a particular favourite of mine, the six wheeled Morris CD Staff and Liaison car used by HQ’s and artillery regiments of the BEF, some of you will perhaps remember the Dinky toy version of this.

The other two are the AEC 850 6x6 gun tractor used to tow the iconic 3 inch AA gun (3 inch gun to come) used by the BEF in France and home defence forces to resist operation Zeelowe. The last one is the General Purpose version of the Leyland retriever which was used throughout the war from 1939 until the end.

The earlier versions did not have a windshield fitted however until 1942 but they were identical all in other respects. All three models are cast in resin with metal parts .

Morris, AEC and Leyland

Morris, AEC and Leyland

Pithead Miniatures

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