
Nov 28, 2019

Command & Control from Pithead Miniatures

Command and control were essential elements for the success of any army in WW2 and these two facets were strongly dependent on good inter unit communication, whether this was by a radio net, land lines or dispatch riders and runners. Pithead already produce HQ sets for British, German, Russian and French armies and now we have released HQ figures for the Americans, Italians and British Paras and are currently working on special figure sets for German Pioneers, and a Polish HQ.


Commands picture 1

Commands picture 2

Commands picture 3

The amount of time it takes to sculpt 18 different figures for a HQ set means that we will lose money selling these but we don't mind as we see it as part of our commitment to our regular customers who have supported Pitheads other projects in the past.

Pithead Miniatures

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