
Oct 10, 2019

Project Update #9: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #9: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

3D Printable STL files for World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming

Here We Go

OK guys n dolls we are in the final countdown so time for my usual blah blah blah, so as you may or may not know when the KS ends they take your dollars and over the next 7 days they try to take any failed attempts, then its 7 days wait and then 3 to payout so i don't see a penny for roughly 18 days (inc weekends), but the good news is i can see who's payment has cleared so i can start the files within a couple of days of the end, i set up a folder sort the sharing out and get the files up, they don't all go up straight away so bare with me but they do go up quickly, these too i have designed as we go mostly so are near to ready, so i check them over cut the designs that need cutting and up they go for you to print out.

so from me a massive THANK YOU again for you backing and remember i am here 24/7 with support so any issues just ask away.

finally my plans are to take a break until new year from KS projects......well new ones that is, i want to go through as many files as i can check them, update them for better lower scale printing and get my webshop fully up and running, so that's good for you as i am here to help even more than usual, i will still do designs as well, i am not sure what my next theme will be, post apoc needs a look at and always more WW2 and i want to do some more modern times too, but nothing is set yet and won't be for a month or two

that's it for now plenty to do, still some stretches to finish and hey maybe to add as well lets see how far we go



WOW Buildings

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