
Oct 12, 2019

Project Update #49: War Across Europe 3D Print STL files, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #49: War Across Europe 3D Print STL files, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

WOWBuildings War Across Europe 3D Printing stl Files.

Nearly Done

Hi guys, OK the latest KS is coming to a close so get onboard while you can, then for me its no more for the rest of the year, what i am doing then is printing and checking and updating the files to work in all scales and making sure they print as well as they can, i would stay from start to finish but i am going to work backwards, this KS will be the start point with the new one and i will work back through my designs until they are all done, there is some great addons to expand your gaming from this KS in the new one too, so keep checking those files and keep asking away if you have any questions, see you soon.

WOW Buildings

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