
Oct 17, 2019

Project Update #18: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #18: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter update 7

A bit thank you to everyone who has completed the reward survey, 54 of the 64 have been returned already, which is fantastic and helps with the production planning.

Next the production update.

The Demon Hounds production moulds have been completed and you can see a picture of some of the cast miniatures below. I need quite a few more of these cast up but will be working on these in the coming days.

Demon Hounds are starting to appear!

Demon Hounds are starting to appear!

Next up is the biggest job of this whole Kickstarter. The Demon Infantry. The master mould process went well and now I have enough miniatures cast to allow for the creation of the production moulds. Picture below of the master casts.

Master casts of the Demon Infantry

Master casts of the Demon Infantry

On reflection, and seeing them in pewter, the original "test" Demon fits in quite well with the other 13 Demon Infantry, and so will be joining this unit. That means there will now be a Leader, Standard, Musician plus 11 other sculpts. You will get a single copy of the three command miniatures in each pack plus an additional 21 miniatures from the other 11 sculpts. Packs will contain a maximum of two copies of any single sculpt, so you will have a very varied and interesting unit on the table.

I will give you another update towards the end of next week, then it's a weeks school holiday in the UK, and so production will be suspended for that week.

Anyway, things are moving along nicely, and you may even see Paul Winter sharing some pictures of his painted Demon Hounds and Swarm on Facebook.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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