
Oct 20, 2019

Project Update #15: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #15: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

3D Printable STL files for World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming

thank you

thanks for the suggestions on what nest to add, they are all noted and i will see what i can do, its not until the new year so don't start shaking with panic, and the theme will be expansion based on widening the scope covered by the past KS, plus some off at the usual tangeant ones too, one that i am keen to add myself is the heavy water plant(heroes of telemark), it would make a great scenerio me thinks........anyway files will continue to go up and be checked so get printing

WOW Buildings

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