
Oct 10, 2019

Project Update #12: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #12: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Beautiful, highly detailed, lead free pewter and resin, rat-men army for 10mm tabletop wargaming.

24 days after the kickstarter closed, 3 months ahead of target (I was told to allow for things going wrong) I have now sent out the last package! Thank you for making this army possible, I very much value your support.

Vampire Vikings will be coming in December (for delivery in Q1 2020), tune into Warmaster (GW) facebook group for updates.

Thanks again, John Braisby

*with the exception of a parcel I have been asked to send after the 20th October.

Cromarty Forge

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