
Oct 2, 2019

11 New Codes from Good Ground LLC

We are pleased to announce 11 new codes for the So Far From God Range of 10mm Mexican-American War figures.

So Far From God

MAWUS9 - US Firing Line & MAWUS10 - US Firing Line Command

MAWUS9 - US Firing Line & MAWUS10 - US Firing Line Command

MAWUS11 - US Dragoons

MAWUS11 - US Dragoons

MAWUS12 - US Dragoon Command

MAWUS12 - US Dragoon Command

MAWUS13 - Mississippi Rifles

MAWUS13 - Mississippi Rifles

MAWUS14 - US Gun Crew in M1839 Caps

MAWUS14 - US Gun Crew in M1839 Caps

MAWUS15 - US Mounted Officers in four variants

MAWUS15 - US Mounted Officers in four variants

MAWMX20 - Mexican Cadets/Coast Guard & MAWMX21 - Mexican Cadet/Coats Guard Command

MAWMX20 - Mexican Cadets/Coast Guard & MAWMX21 - Mexican Cadet/Coats Guard Command

MAWMX22 - Grenadier Guard of the Supreme Power & MAWMX23 - Grenadier Guard Command

MAWMX22 - Grenadier Guard of the Supreme Power & MAWMX23 - Grenadier Guard Command

I have added these new releases to the site as of this morning. The Grenadier Guard of the Supreme Power were accidentally left out of the shipment, but will be here by Thursday or Friday. All figures were sculpted by Robi Baker.

Good Ground LLC

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