
Sep 23, 2019

US Firebase in 10mm Day 3 from Timecast

One the wash has completely dried next step is to begin dry brushing the layers to bring the model up to the detailing stage. I take my time here, building up successively lighter layers until the desired tones are reached.

US Firebase

US Firebase picture 1

US Firebase picture 2

US Firebase picture 3

US Firebase picture 4

US Firebase picture 5

US Firebase picture 6

US Firebase picture 7

US Firebase picture 8

US Firebase picture 9

US Firebase picture 10

US Firebase picture 11

Once that has been achieved final detailing can be done, luckily with a Firebase there isn't too much of that! Painting in the odd ammo box and barrel halos give life to the model, as does another thin ink wash on the duck boards. Finally a bit of grass and foliage and it is done. All ready for tomorrow nights game!


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