
Sep 16, 2019

Project Update #9: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #9: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Beautiful, highly detailed, lead free pewter and resin, rat-men army for 10mm tabletop wargaming.

Thank You!

Well you made it happen! Funded to within a hairs breadth of £7000, huge thanks to everyone who jumped onboard in the last couple of days, your support is most appreciated. To those who came onboard at the beginning, thanks for your tenacity, your pledges made me feel like this was a good idea. You mid campaign pledgers, please know that you lifted spirits during the doldrums, and I have raised a drink in your name.

What next? As I posted earlier, the 1st batch of figures are made, sorted and ready to be packed, the second batch are being manufactured as we speak, and the third batch will be ordered once I have the surveys back. I intend to get a sizeable volume of miniatures posted before the end of September, and should be finished shipping all orders before the end of October (as long as I get your surveys back in the next couple of weeks ;-)

Surveys will go out as soon as Kickstarter lets me send them, please fill these out even if you have posted a list to me earlier, and do not worry if you have changed your mind on what you want.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks again,


Cromarty Forge

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