
Sep 24, 2019

Project Update #4: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #4: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

3D Printable STL files for World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming


Hi guys, we are going along nicely, i apologise if i am not posting so many updates, this KS is the first one where i am designing heavily from what you guys have asked for so i haven't come into it with a massive backup of designs, i am kind of enjoying it but it does add a little pressure to keep up, but rest assured quality and detail with printability will not be compromised, so sometimes i will list on the stretch what is coming next without pics as there are none yet, anyway back to work plenty to do and thank you its going along nicely. lets see how far we go

WOW Buildings

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