
Sep 27, 2019

Project Update #16: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #16: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Post Kickstarter update 5

Production has finally started!

It's a big day here at Black Gate Miniatures as the Demon miniatures have started to appear in pewter.

Robi sent me a batch of sculpts, pictured below, containing the Demon Infantry, Hounds and Swarm.

First sculpts have arrived!

I have master moulded the Hounds and Swarm models, and the very first copies of those miniatures are shown below. The moulds need a little more work before I can cast the models to make the production moulds, but these first miniatures will be given to my Warmaster Podcast co-host Paul Winter tonight for him to paint up and share.

The Hounds of hell

The Swarm

I am so happy to be finally able to get on with the production and you can expect much more frequent updates from now on.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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