
Sep 27, 2019

Project Update #10: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #10: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Beautiful, highly detailed, lead free pewter and resin, rat-men army for 10mm tabletop wargaming.

All Surveys returned.

So yesterday I received the last of the surveys, over the weekend I got the bulk of the miniatures in, and have been sorting and packing.

Scotia Grendel have been doing a great job, and will be delivering everything except the tail end order next week, so I'll be packing and sending out the vast majority of the miniatures over the 1st two weeks of October.

I'll update again once I have sent out the 1st parcels.

Cheers, JB

Cromarty Forge

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