
Sep 17, 2019

Project Update #1: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #1: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

3D Printable STL files for World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming

Welcome aboard

Hi all, well silly me launched on a busy day so didn't get time to say hello, anyway here we are and this KS even more so than past ones is yours to decide where it goes so ideas on a self addressed envelope to or better still just shout out here, what do you want in it, while i wait i am going to add some Italian styles types but your input will add to the list.

I have offered a bumper start package so the goals will be additions for them, if i get chance there will be multi pieces in the goals but mostly i want to enhance what is already there, but i am not the boss here you guys are

WOW Buildings

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