
Sep 19, 2019

London Grand Tournament Round Up from TTCombat

We were delighted to be invited to the London Grand Tournament to run some of our own game tournaments and also to see our terrain used for the main 40K event.

Our team present at the weekend manged to get plenty of photos and videos for us to share, so let’s take a look.

First of all. Look at how many tables we had to make scenery for:

Our own games of Dropfleet Commander and Dropzone Commander.

We sadly didn’t get any pictures of the Dropfleet Commander games on the Saturday, our team were too busy getting involved it seems. However we got some great pictures of our players having fun playing Dropzone Commander on our studio boards.

It was a great weekend with some great games, I know our team had a  great time attending, and the players all seemed to have a great time.

For those interested in the results of the Dropzone and Dropfleet tournaments:

Dropfleet Commander:
1st Adam, Shaltari
2nd George, UCM
3rd Luke, PHR
4th Adam D, Scourge
Dropzone Commander:
1st Mike, Scourge
2nd Chris, PHR
3rd Jo, Resistance
4th Greg, PHR
Well done guys, hope you had a great time playing!


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