
Sep 17, 2019

10mm WIP, Episode 1 from Boki Wargames Miniatures

10mm WIP, Episode 1 from Boki Wargames Miniatures

A year ago, I started to try to sculpt 10mm figures. I found out that it is possible to produce them for myself at competitive prices – €0.20 EUR per trooper figure.

So for now, French infantry for Waterloo is already available.

French infantry for Waterloo

Boki Waterloo French infantry
Beside troopers there will be command markers also, of course, someday. Here are command dolls. I must sculpt one kneeling skirmisher, one mounted officer, and four casualty dolls in addition.


Boki 10mm command dolly
I continue with this 10mm project slowly, as it is my hobby inside my hobby project, as well as my 6mm project.

Boki Wargames Miniatures

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