30 Sept 2019
Update from Traders Galaxy
I have finalised the models that will be released this year. In no particular order -
Builders (5)
Max stars special branch
Shark warriors
Overlord gorg
Trashers set 3
New manta gunship
Upgraded posiedon, kraken and command tank
Barracuda unit
Valiant cassettes
Atlantican exclusive model
Next year only a few things are planned
including the final two factions for Bot War.
Buildings (4 models)
Beastlords (7 models)
Red Star Nations (cyborgs, vehicles (12 models))
Traders Galaxy
New Aztec Pictures from Magister Militum
Let's spice it up! New pictures for the Aztec wildlife in Magister Militum 10mm fantasy!
New Aztec Pictures
Magister Militum
New Aztec Pictures
Magister Militum
Battlegroup Northag from Plastic Soldier Company
We are delighted to welcome you to our exciting new Battlegroup project – Battlegroup Northag. Northag has a fictional setting in 1983 as the Cold War bursts into life.
Battlegroup Northag is a little different from our established WW2 Battlegroup system. For those that know and love the Battlegroup system (and those of you that have yet to embrace Battlegroup!), Northag carries a lot of its DNA from the parent WW2 system, like the Battle rating system and army list building, but has been specifically designed and streamlined for the smaller scale of 10mm (1/144th) to allow for more vehicles on the table and longer gun ranges. No “parking lots” in this game! .
The first Northag book contains rules, scenarios, detailed equipment data and army lists for Soviet and British forces. Future expansions will bring US, West and East German, other Warsaw Pact and Nato forces to the table. We will also be doing an Arab Israeli supplement.
For Northag, we have specifically designed a range of 1/144th scale plastic miniatures, ideally arranged into well-priced company and platoon/troop boxed and blister packs to custom build you forces. We are investing in a new plastic injection moulding system which gives beautifully detailed but robust miniatures with a bit of “barrel flex” suitable for repeated handling on the tabletop and takes paint as well as traditional metal or hard plastic miniatures. Manufacturing will be in house which will give us complete control in supply chain management and ensure that the range will have a very high availability rate. We are very excited about our new plastic miniatures!
Please note, the new Battlegroup Northag rules system and miniatures range will only be available direct from The Plastic Soldier Company in our webstore and at wargames shows and certain selected retailers around the world. Also please note our retail partners will only be carrying the main unit and starter army box packs, smaller blister packs will only be available from The Plastic Soldier Company directly.
We will be doing something a little different to launch this exciting new range...…..
We will be running a Pre-order system to help raise manufacturing funds for a limited time period starting September 2019. If you join the pre-order program you can take advantage of some good discounts and a whole host of juicy freebies. You will also receive your goodies in February 2020, way ahead of the scheduled retail release April 2020
Sign up now to our specific Battlegroup Northag newsletter using the Subscribe Now button below to be informed when the Pre-order program goes live and learn more about this exciting new range over the next few weeks.
Will, Warwick, Piers and the PSC Team
Battlegroup Northag
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
New Minis from Cibo's Little Dudes
The first batch of the new minis has arrived. Also I have painted a new unit of chaos dwarf blunderbusses
New Minis
Cibo's Little Dudes
New Minis
Cibo's Little Dudes
'Britain Turned Germany': The Thirty Years' War and its Impact on the British Isles 1638-1660
The speakers at the 2018 Helion conference offer a variety of insights into the depth and direction of research into the Thirty Years’ War, with particular reference to the war’s effect on the British Isles, the careers of the officers from its shores who participated in the conflict, and the ‘trickle-down’ effect of the war into the military thinking and technology of those isles.
Keynote speaker Professor Steve Murdoch examines the changes in understanding of British military participation in the Thirty Years’ War from a once unsophisticated and dismissive approach to a more enriched and interesting field of study. Keith Dowen examines the work of Catholic Irish colonel Gerat Barry, which has been largely overlooked. Michał Paradowski looks into the careers of three officers from the British Isles who fought abroad – Arthur Aston Jr, James Butler and Scotsman James Murray.
Arran Johnston considers the importance of General Alexander Leslie and his officer corps, and the importance of their overseas service in the Thirty Years’ War as the basis for the effectiveness of the Scottish army in the Bishops’ Wars. Prof. Martyn Bennett explores the process of appointment of the rival command structures in 1642, at the start of the English Civil Wars.
David Flintham considers the foreign, especially Dutch, influence on English fortification during the period, the methods employed and those who practised them. Stephen Ede-Borrett examines contemporary vexillology, and how much the Thirty Years’ War influenced the military flags used by the English Armies from 1639 to 1651.
'Essential Agony': The Battle of Dunbar 1650
On 3 September 1650, two former allies fought a bitter clash of arms in the rain-soaked fields around the quiet seaside town of Dunbar.
For one, it was a signal mercy which cemented his reputation and paved the way for political as well as military supremacy. For the other, it meant defeat, occupation, and the end of a cause. In England, Dunbar is remembered as one of Cromwell’s most brilliant victories. In Scotland, as an avoidable tragedy caused by the placement of blind faith over sound judgement. And for those whose ancestors suffered in its terrible aftermath, it is a story of both sorrow and survival.
This new analysis of the Battle of Dunbar explores the battlefield and its events in close detail, using the author’s intimate knowledge of the landscape. From the high politics to the individual experience, Arran Johnston brings the story of the Dunbar campaign vividly to life and sets its significance within the context of both the seventeenth century and our own times.
29 Sept 2019
Bretonnia Hero & Dark Elf Chariot from Cibo's Little Dudes
Bretonnia Hero on Pegasus and Dark Elf Chariot from Cibo's Little Dudes
Bretonnia Hero
Dark Elf Chariot
Cibo's Little Dudes
Bretonnia Hero
Dark Elf Chariot
Cibo's Little Dudes
New Dacian & Sarmatian Moulds from Pendraken Miniatures
The new Dacian and Sarmatian moulds are almost done, just these last 4 sets to do on Mon/Tues and we'll get them ready for release next week!
New Dacian & Sarmatian Moulds
Pendraken Miniatures
New Dacian & Sarmatian Moulds
Pendraken Miniatures
Squidlorr WIP from Traders Galaxy
Squidlorr Work in progress for the Overlords faction coming late this year.
Squidlorr WIP
Remember all stat cards are free on the website for download including the trial rules for Overlords.
Traders Galaxy
Squidlorr WIP
Remember all stat cards are free on the website for download including the trial rules for Overlords.
Traders Galaxy
Middle East Building from Blotz
We have the results of some more re-scaling for you today.
Our Middle East Building #9 is now available in 10mm and 20mm (in addition to our existing 15mm and 28mm versions).
Middle East Building #9
Blotz, MDF Terrain and Accessories
Our Middle East Building #9 is now available in 10mm and 20mm (in addition to our existing 15mm and 28mm versions).
Middle East Building #9
Blotz, MDF Terrain and Accessories
Dog Variants WIP from Baphominiatures
WiP - Posing the dog variants before giving them their gear bags/equipment.
Dog Variants WIP
Dog Variants WIP
New 1940's BEF Range from Pithead Miniatures
News Update my website is down so I have opened a facebook site. Pithead Miniatures are still taking orders and I hope to have our website restored soon.
New 1940's BEF Range and I will be adding new additions to this range soon.
New 1940's BEF Range
Pithead Miniatures
New 1940's BEF Range and I will be adding new additions to this range soon.
New 1940's BEF Range
Pithead Miniatures
Project Update #5: Urban Warfare 3D printable STL files for World War 2, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings
3D Printable STL files for World War 2 Tabletop Wargaming
Hi guys just a quick few words, thank you all its going along nicely, you may have noticed I have added some stretches and shuffled them a little too, this is like I say because I am doing them from your feedback here and on the Facebook page, so 100% of my time is taken with getting the designs done, quality and printability top of my priorities always, so you will see more listed but the order they come might and will change but don't fear they will all be there, after the KS is finished the files will be released as usual within a day or so, my plans then are to take until the new year to go through all past KS projects and make sure they are all delivered 100%, this will not affect in any way this one, but it will get me ready for whatever comes next, ill give your wallets a break until after crimbo and then we will see what direction to go in for the next.
Oh yes this is the important bit for this one, i am away for 3 days this coming week, i will be designing but I'm not sure of Internet so if i go dark don't fear i will be back with 6-7 days left to tick off the clock so plenty of time to update things, you wont notice other than the pics for the stretches might get delayed until i get a steady connection on my return.
Right that's the boring stuff done now back to designing for you guys.
WOW Buildings
Embraer 190 Lufthansa "New Livery" from Revell
With the Embraer 190, Lufthansa is relying on the second-largest type in the family of short-haul aircraft from the Brazilian manufacturer. Like all Lufthansa aircraft, the Embraer fleet will gradually take to the air in the airline's new design. Model kit for the ERJ 190. Lufthansa deploys the successful short-haul aircraft on intra-European routes.
Embraer 190 Lufthansa "New Livery"
- Cockpit replica
- Detailed chassis
- Detailed engines
- Decals for the Lufthansa version in the New Livery
Embraer 190 Lufthansa "New Livery"
- Cockpit replica
- Detailed chassis
- Detailed engines
- Decals for the Lufthansa version in the New Livery
28 Sept 2019
This Weeks Lunch Time Project from Timecast
This weeks lunch time project. The building is from our 9/006 set of Spanish Rural Houses, the section of wall from 37/064 and the gate is from our model railway range (NS11). The hedge section is from code 37/008, the pots in the backyard are beads from a craft store and the tree is homemade twisted wire and horse hair.
This Weeks Lunch Time Project
There are buildings like this the world over - Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, South of France etc. This one will be going in my Vietnam terrain box though!
This Weeks Lunch Time Project
There are buildings like this the world over - Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, South of France etc. This one will be going in my Vietnam terrain box though!
Kendal Rd, Shrewsbury SY1 4ES, UK
27 Sept 2019
New Pictures Ogres from Magister Militum
Ogres riding Woolly Mammoths, new pic for Magister Militum 10mm fantasy.
Ogres Riding Woolly Mammoths
£5.80 per pack.
Magister Militum
Ogres Riding Woolly Mammoths
£5.80 per pack.
Magister Militum
T-80 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-80 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-80 Company
10 x T-80 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
T-80 Company
10 x T-80 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Project Update #10: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge
Beautiful, highly detailed, lead free pewter and resin, rat-men army for 10mm tabletop wargaming.
All Surveys returned.
So yesterday I received the last of the surveys, over the weekend I got the bulk of the miniatures in, and have been sorting and packing.
Scotia Grendel have been doing a great job, and will be delivering everything except the tail end order next week, so I'll be packing and sending out the vast majority of the miniatures over the 1st two weeks of October.
I'll update again once I have sent out the 1st parcels.
Cheers, JB
Cromarty Forge
T-64 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-64 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-64 Company
10 x T-64 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
T-64 Company
10 x T-64 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
T-62 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-62 Company from Plastic Soldier Company
T-62 Company
10 x T-62 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
T-62 Company
10 x T-62 Tanks
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Soviet Rifle Company from Plastic Soldier Company
Soviet Rifle Company from Plastic Soldier Company
Soviet Rifle Company
82 x Infantry
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Soviet Rifle Company
82 x Infantry
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Mechanised Infantry Platoon from Plastic Soldier Company
Mechanised Infantry Platoon from Plastic Soldier Company.
Mechanised Infantry Platoon
4 x FV-432s
32 x Infantry Figures
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Mechanised Infantry Platoon
4 x FV-432s
32 x Infantry Figures
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Project Update #16: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures
Post Kickstarter update 5
Production has finally started!
It's a big day here at Black Gate Miniatures as the Demon miniatures have started to appear in pewter.
Robi sent me a batch of sculpts, pictured below, containing the Demon Infantry, Hounds and Swarm.
I have master moulded the Hounds and Swarm models, and the very first copies of those miniatures are shown below. The moulds need a little more work before I can cast the models to make the production moulds, but these first miniatures will be given to my Warmaster Podcast co-host Paul Winter tonight for him to paint up and share.
I am so happy to be finally able to get on with the production and you can expect much more frequent updates from now on.
Demons forever!
Black Gate Miniatures
British Starter Army from Plastic Soldier Company
British Starter Army from Plastic Soldier Company
British Starter Army
4 x Chieftain Tanks (Stillbrew Upgrade)
4 x FV-432s
2 x Scorpion/Scimitars
34 x Infantry Figures
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
British Starter Army
4 x Chieftain Tanks (Stillbrew Upgrade)
4 x FV-432s
2 x Scorpion/Scimitars
34 x Infantry Figures
The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
Chaos & High Elf Chariot from Cibo's Little Dudes
Chaos and High Elf Chariot from Cibo's Little Dudes
Chaos Chariot
High Elf Chariot
Cibo's Little Dudes
Chaos Chariot
High Elf Chariot
Cibo's Little Dudes
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